Blogger Award!

OH GOODNESS ME! Today I was nominated for a Blogger Award by this tiny blue house! For which I feel VERY honored. I have not been in this blogging game very long, so to be nominated really means a lot to me! I have loved keeping up with this tiny blue house, which is all about living a frugal, minimalist, humble life with her husband and daughter. She’s also been through some terrible losses and her strength really shows in her genuine, thoughtful blog posts.

Being nominated has also motivated me to dig my heels in and post. Last week I caught a terrible cold, and being 26 weeks pregnant with a head cold is pretty much the worst thing ever. I am past the worst of it, so I needed a little push to get myself to post a new blog update. Not that there isn’t plenty I want to say, I just haven’t found the words yet. Stay tuned for some thoughts on the happenings last weekend and the women’s march!



  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Write a post to show your award.
  • Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  • Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
  • Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to.
  • Comment on each blog and let them know you have mentioned them and provide the link to the post you created.


How my blog started:

I’ve touched on this subject here and there in my blog posts, but the big reason I started a blog is that I was inspired by someone else’s blog! I started a blog was to share my infertility story. Infertility is awful and frustrating and I felt so discouraged and out of options other than IVF. Then I read someone’s blog and it gave me hope. It actually encouraged me to try a procedure that my doctor had said would probably not help me. So I went to a different doctor who thought we should give it a try, and voila! I got pregnant immediately! I felt that I needed to share my experience just in case there was one other person out there like me who felt that they were out of options. Just in case they stumbled on my experience and it gave them some hope and helped them achieve pregnancy. Now I am due with my first baby at the end of April, and so my blog is morphing a bit from the experience of trying to get pregnant, to now being pregnant, and eventually my adventures in motherhood. I am going through a lot of life changes and it’s fun to share those and find others who have gone before me to derive some knowledge from.

A couple of pieces of advice:

  1. Be Genuine. Sometime I read a blog post and I can really tell that the person is writing from the heart. Those are the posts I love most. They aren’t shying away from feelings or trying to appeal to too many people with differing views. They are just true to themselves and what they want to say. This helps your readers really feel connected to you and want to get to know you better.
  2. Read and Comment on Other Blogs. As a new blogger I get really excited when people ‘like’ or comment on a post I have written. It always makes me want to see who they are and what they are blogging about. This is how I’ve stumbled on some of my favorite blogs. It can also help inspire your writing to see what other people are saying.

My nominations:

Here are some of the blogs I follow, and links to a blog post of theirs that I enjoyed. I hope you will read through and find joy in them too!


A Big THANK YOU to anyone out there reading. Take a minute to check out these other blogs and drop me a comment on what you think! 

Author: kimi

Nature Lover. Trail Runner. Mother of 2. Blogging about my life, healing my mind and body.

14 thoughts on “Blogger Award!”

  1. Thank you for the nomination and for linking to that post! It’s funny how out of tragedy comes something new and exciting – I too, started blogging in the wake of a hard personal time. It has been a great connection to others around the world and a creative outlet for me to get all the feelings out. Enjoy the rest of your day!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi! Thank you for nominating me for this blogger award. I really appreciate it, and I’m glad I wrote something that interested you. In my early blogging days I participated in a couple of awards of this type, but alas, these days I don’t have the time to read many other blogs and have found that the ones I do read are generally not very keen to join in with blogger awards.
    I hope you continue to enjoy blogging! I find it quite therapeutic. Above all, good luck with your pregnancy!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks so much for the nomination, you have no idea how much I appreciate it, quite made my morning. Hope your cold feels much better soon. I do know just what you are going through, when I was 37 weeks pregnant with our fifth and last I might add! I caught flu, only the second time in my life I had had real full blown flu and I couldn’t get out of bed for a week. Unable to take much medication and not wanting to either I felt awful, but it passed and two weeks later the most perfect little girl was born. Feel better and keep smiling and thank you once again xx

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi, thanks for reading my blog and for the nomination and recognition.
    Sending you many blessings on your journey, soon to become united with your new child. One of the greatest joys of this life awaits you soon!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thank you so much for thinking of me. I am so pleased to hear that my blog inspired you to start yours. It sounds like that second opinion for your endo removal was just the magic tkt. I am so glad that all worked out for you. Thx again!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I really can’t thank you enough for sharing your experience! I hope that both our stories help women explore all the possibilities when it comes to infertility and find solutions. I am super excited to become a mom 🙂

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  6. Hi, hollierobin! Congratulations on your recent Blogger Recognition Award and also on your third trimester, YAY. (Excitin’ times!) Thanks, too, for nominating me for this award. Feeling humbled and grateful. I’ve been enjoying reading the posts you recommended, as well as learning more about you. (LOVE your header photo and the “full shadow” photo it originated from on your TTC Timeline page, too.) Keep on writing and thanks again for the accolades. Much appreciated!

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